Department of Neurophysiology
DANDEC 3 Channels
EBNeuro 21 Channels
Our neurology department is equipped with a state-of-the-art Electroencephalograph & Electromyograph.
A. Video-EEG (video electroencephalogram) for brain mapping simple or after sleep deprivation.
The encephalogram is a useful laboratory test for the Neurologist, Psychiatrist, Pathologist and Cardiologist in order to diagnose episodes of loss of consciousness, epilepsy, memory disorders, etc. It is painless and is accompanied with a simultaneous video recording. Simultaneous video recording helps to clarify recorded noise sequences, which can be misunderstood as epileptic activity, but also to record patient behavior in order to understand the nature of seizures.
In cases of brain surgeries, preoperative and postoperative video EEG provides important information about the patient’s condition to neurologists and neurosurgeons.
- Electroneurogram – Electromyography of 2 & 4 extremities:
Modern electromyography(EMG) systems aid the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases. The Electromyogram is performed by specialized neurologists in our specialized laboratories of Clinical Neurophysiology. The conduction velocity of the nerves is assessed by applying an electrical stimulus to key nerves and recording their response with self-adhesive surface electrodes at other recording sites of the same nerve.
Our electromyograph has the ability to perform classic or advanced tests such as Single fiber electromyography. EMG has significant diagnostic value in diseases that are of common interest to many medical specialties such as Neurology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, etc.
Some of the diseases are listed below:
- Damage to peripheral nerves or nerve plexuses including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Olenic Groove Syndrome, peripheral facial nerve damage, lumbar or cervical nerve damage and a number of other rare diseases
- Polyneuropathy, generalized peripheral nerve involvement, of any etiology (aesthetic, kinetic, sensorimotor, hereditary, degenerative, metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, etc.)
- Multiple mononeuritis
- Myopathies, myositis, muscular dystrophies, myotonias
- Infection of the anterior horns of the spinal cord or motor nuclei of a brain stem (lateral myotrophic sclerosis, poliomyelitis, etc.)
- Myasthenia and myasthenic syndromes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Myoclonus
Specialized Examinations
In addition to the Electroneurogram – Electromyogram, additional specialized examinations can be performed, such as:
- Single muscle fiber Electromyography: tests the neuromuscular contraction.